Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Home-Built Skewer Rack For the Bbq Grill in 20 Minutes - Can You Say Shrimp Shish-Ka-Bob!

I love shrimp! In any case, anyway, but especially with roštilja.Problem grilling delicate treats like shrimp, preventing them from any adhesive, or slipping through the bars!

Cooking Shish-ka-bobs, with layers of savory items scored on a spit resolve "slipping through the bars," but does not adhere to the problem. No amount of PAM seems to work for me on the grill, and even worse, a spatula strokes of the best parts. I bet if I looked, I could find a skewer rack manufactured in a specialty store - at a price

But I'm on a budget, I do not like shopping, and I have a 1 kg golden shrimp ("king prawns") that are waiting on the grill!

I rummaged around my workshop, after picking up shrimp thinking I had some remnants of the angle, steel or aluminum. Nope! But I did find part 1 / 2 "copper pipe from the old project, and galvanized wire are from an older project. Even better, the copper is easy to work with, and the wire stock to a perfect edge banding materials, both of which should survive the fire in my grill i have a well-stocked shop with hacksaws, band saws, and guess what -.! my old pipe cutter is 41 "long. I made ​​my grill and decided 10 "top width, with two 5 1 / 4" DNA pieces all the wires connected and bundled together to give me the maximum and the spit at the bottom of the track.

Twist-bolt, screw and twist-pipe easily parted with pipe cutting! You can use a hacksaw, pipe cutter, but leaves a perfect closed end. I cut the wire into 6 "lengths and used it as a wire them on the bread-bread (although I use the duck-bill pliers to really cinch fabric. Cut, with a diagonal cutter pliers to cut the surplus, and man! One last improvement:. And V-grooves cut into the top surface of every inch of the skewers from rolling off, and more importantly, locking skewers in place so as not to tip in one place

Now, for the simple Shrimp Shish-ka-Bob's prescription.

peeled prawns marinated in Teriyaki sauce for 1 / 2 hours (I prefer Kikkoman). Since I just picked up shrimp, and it was packed in crushed ice, I have a small bowl of shrimp / marinade mix set in larger bowl filled with ice. I found marinading shrimp works best when kept cool, either on ice or cooling in the refrigerator. I love the taste of grilled tomatoes and onions, pineapple chunks and blend perfectly with the flavor of teriyaki. I cut the cherry tomatoes in half and quarter onion. Using the (well-soaked!) Bamboo skewers, I just stabbed him all along. Art, I like to alternate colors - red (tomatoes), white (onion), yellow (pineapple chunks) and pink (shrimp! ).

Preheat the grill to HOT! - Then go down to low before the creation of a new Shish-ka-Bob shelves! They do not take long to cook, and the bamboo does not take long to burn through! When you see the skin begin to shrivel tomato, onion and edges browning, it is done.

nice variation on this recipe: roll shrimp in honey, and they stir in chopped almond slices

I hope you enjoyed my lunch recipe and my home built skewer rack as much as I did. By the way, stands worked perfectly, connected together bundles of copper pipes were stable, elevated surface with Kos, but they kept close, and prevent them from moving so I could rotate the skewers for even cooking. Best of all - anyone can build this project stove improvement on waste, ingenuity, a bit of time

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